50mph limit on M32 and reclass it as an A road

O you remember when this was done a few christmas ago?i. In my mind it did not add much to journey times and significantly reduced noise (and probably pollution) in surrounding residential areas.

Why the contribution is important

The m32 is like a knife slicing through bristol. It creates as much a divide as the river.  It is noisy and creates pollution.  Classifying it as am a road Nd reducing speed limits would be a cheap way of taking away some of those disadvantages in current economic climate.  When people are used to it being an a road , and whnn fincnces allow we can look at other ways of reducing its impact like crossings and bus routes with elevated stops for rapid transport

by user891823 on January 06, 2014 at 08:14AM

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  • Posted by user332352 January 06, 2014 at 11:19

    St Paul's and Montpellier would be better improved if there was a red route preventing commuters from taking a shortcut to J3.

    This would drastically improve air quality in St. Paul's and Montpellier and assist with the noise.

    As it stands the M32 is not sufficiently near BS2 to affect us as just before IKEA it becomes a 60 limit and at Staples its 30mph anyway!
  • Posted by user891823 January 06, 2014 at 19:24

    Can we do both bristol realist?
  • Posted by user162427 January 06, 2014 at 22:46

    A Road, rubbish idea, keep it as a motorway
  • Posted by user332352 January 07, 2014 at 11:45

    The M32 is a main arterial route into this city and falls outside the remit of BCC. It is owned and maintained by the secretary of state.
    By slowing traffic you reduce the updraft created by the body of the car thusly not propelling the fumes in an upwards direction. Basic physics.
    By slowing the motor cars you are allowing these toxic gasses to sit a lit lower in the city which creates more smog and pollution. With that you bring asthma and other respiratory issues.
    Now... Think of all those cars idleing right on our doorsteps for 2 hours a day with nothing but the breeze to clear the fumes.
    Now think about the heavy diesels doing the same thing.
    While we may be trying to make the city more cycle friendly the mayor is trying to choke us all!
  • Posted by user891823 January 08, 2014 at 12:59

    Yes but isn't driving at 50 mph proven to emit less emissions. Plus less noise plus potentially increasing capacity by turning hard shoulder into another lane if you would want to ( I wouldn't recommend). And yes it is dept transport decision but surely George can lobby or what's the point of a mayor?
  • Posted by user661187 January 15, 2014 at 00:57

    A good idea, though my concern is that if reclassified as an A road then maintenance and improvement costs would come out of Local Authority budgets (though I might be wrong on this). I agree with reducing speed limits for noise / pollution reasons and would think even a 40 mph limit could be accommodated without changing the motorway status.
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