A city vision needs a political strategy

On Monday the Mayor launched a 'vision' for the future of Bristol. Not surprisingly there was little in the vision that could be contested. Everyone would like to see a healthy, caring, working, learning, moving, empowered city with engaged citizens and well-connected neighbourhoods.

But 'visions' are simply that - visions and not realities. So how to make the vision a reality in the context of a 25% reduction in the city's budget over the next three years on top of a 90m reduction over the previous three years. Yes BCC could be smarter in the way it works, thereby making efficiency savings, and maybe some things could be abandoned atogethr either becasue they are no longer needed or don't work, making more savings. But the combnation of all these savings will not be the shortfall in providing essential services, especially with increasing demands, and also realisng the vision. The mayor called for citizens, public bodies, businesses, voluntary organisations and others to work together to realise the vision. But a simple 'call to arms' will not initself produce the required resources and commitment.


Why the contribution is important

The mayor needs a political strategy to match the vision. The strategy must be clear as to why anyone should step forward and sign-up to the vision [whose vision is it?]. It must also state how the mayor intends to engage the various stakeholders to mobilise their resources to make a reality of this or any other vision of the future of Bristol. He should also be clear about the obstacles that will need to be confronted. Without such a strategy the vision might make people feel a little better as they imagine what the city could be like but it won't do anything to turn this into a programme of action.

by user222427 on November 21, 2013 at 11:59AM

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