Amazing Spaces

There are lots of random little pieces of outside space around the city, many created in the estates, that are sitting there doing nothing, they have become abandoned and are not much better than wasteland. These spaces could be great, they could become spaces run by the community for the community. With small cash injections, locals could come together to plan what to do with spaces in their community, and work with local contractors to create amazing spaces - be it parks, playgrounds, community gardens, whatever is right for that community...

Why the contribution is important

This is something that could make a real difference to communities, creating spaces that mean something to them, bringing the community together to create the spaces in the first place and then keeping it together through use.

by user251312 on November 21, 2013 at 08:19PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.4
Based on: 12 votes


  • Posted by user734334 November 22, 2013 at 19:04

    This is so clearly a brilliant idea that I don't get why it's not already been done! I would give this idea 10 stars if I could!
  • Posted by user798313 December 09, 2013 at 20:26

    Don't understimate the amount of work it takes to build local desire to get this done. However if there are some people who can do this efficiently and in a paticipative way its a winner in terms of legacy and increased happiness with space and care of the space. These benefits only occur if the exercise is truly considered owned by local people.
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