Artist designed street benches

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Moderation reason: Thank you for submitting and sharing your idea – it’s something we’ll consider in the future. During our Green Capital Year in 2015, and following on from the success of WOW Gorillas and the Grommits in 2014, Bristol will be hosting an outdoor trail of Aardman’s Shaun the Sheep. Look out for it across Bristol and beyond...

All Bristol loved the Gromits (and the gorillas before them). Next time, how about asking companies to commission artists to design benches to be placed on as many hills in Bristol as possible where people walk and old/ sick/ tired people need to rest to continue being able to get out on foot? Could be both useful and decorative/ amusing. 

Anne from Clifton

Why the contribution is important

Living on a hilly street in Clifton, I used to observe a 92 year old man walking up Hensmans Hill twice a day. He might have gone on longer had there been a bench half way up. It eventually proved too far for him to get to the top without a place to rest.

Maybe it would take a few years to get enough all over Bristol but they could be a permanent attraction rather than the brief one of the much loved Gromits and could help keep residents on the move.

by user441477 on November 14, 2013 at 01:58PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.3
Based on: 16 votes


  • Posted by user237890 November 19, 2013 at 22:11

    Would you go for 'artist decorated' as a cheaper alternative to 'artist designed' - As a basic 'blank canvas' design would be less costly to manufacture in bulk (Meaning it would be easier to make it happen)
  • Posted by user251846 November 28, 2013 at 10:52

    We could do with more (vandal resistent and sleeper-proof)benches, and if these may be practically produced at a cost no greater than commercially-available products, I'm all for it.
  • Posted by user479921 January 05, 2014 at 21:10

    I don't know about 'sleeper-proof'. Sounds like oppression of the homeless to me.
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