Bristol Freecycle Day

A freecycle day would allow Bristol residents to give away usable but unwanted items to others instead of throwing them away. This would fit with Bristol's ethos as a green capital by reducing waste, and also be a great cost saver to people struggling on low incomes to pick up an ultimate bargin!

Register the items you plan to leave outside on a central online database which people can search in advance for items they need. Items should be left at the curbside on the 'freecycle day'. Local charities would be invited to clear away any remaining items on the morning after the 'freecycle day' and any remaining unclaimed items collected after that by Bristol City Council for disposal. 

Why the contribution is important

Reduces the city's waste production and carbon footprint by allowing more things to be reused rather than thrown away. 

Helps low income families to find greatly needed items at zero cost!

by user815029 on November 20, 2013 at 09:43PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.2
Based on: 9 votes


  • Posted by user734334 November 23, 2013 at 15:07

    Freecycle is already a widely used website.
  • Posted by user247141 December 02, 2013 at 10:38

    Years ago in Melbourne Australia, and perhaps still today, residents could leave their unwanted items outside the front of the house on say a Friday once a fortnight, bringing back in anything remaining by the end of the weekend. The local authority and public knew the deal so there wasn't disposal.
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