ByCycle, safer cycle use, and shared roads.

Here we go, more bloody cyclists! But wait......


“Why focus on cycling? What is ByCycle?”

Cycling has many benefits such as health and fitness, motor traffic easing, and less pollution. Unfortunately more people riding bicycles means more wrestling in the traffic of our already congested roads.

By improving safety for cyclists and increasing awareness of cycling and the risks involved, improving attitudes towards cycling for bicycle riders, drivers and pedestrians our roads can become a better resource for all.

ByCycle is an idea to help address issues that arise when using a bicycle as preferred transport.




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“What is ByCycle for?”

 To promote safer cycling and shared road use for all bicycle riders.

 To reduce accidents and deaths to cyclists on our roads.

 To provide safe routes with increased awareness of cyclists where road and path infrastructure changes are not viable.

 To provide a ‘go to’ infrastructure for people using bicycles for transport.  To encourage the use of a bicycle as a preferred mode of transport.

by user309384 on November 28, 2013 at 06:13PM

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