Clifton Vale and Granby Hill to be one way streets

Make Clifton Vale a one way street heading into Clifton and Granby Hill a one way street heading into Hotwells.

Both these roads become congested during busy periods because they are not wide enough to accomodate traffic travelling uphill and downhill simultaneously. On most weekdays there is standing traffic on both roads at rush hour and I have seen many road-rage incidents because there is little room to manouvre.

By instigating a one way system over the hill, these problems would be alleviated. 

Why the contribution is important

  • Will improve traffic flow into and out of Clifton during busy periods
  • Will improve local air quality
  • Will make roads safer
  • Will improve quality of life for local residents

by user427475 on November 19, 2013 at 05:10PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.5
Based on: 8 votes


  • Posted by user825321 November 21, 2013 at 02:17

    These roads are a nightmare at rush hour, and I've often thought they would be better being one-way.
  • Posted by user124073 November 24, 2013 at 18:53

    Improve the signing from Hotwells to make it clear that the approved route into Clifton is up Jacob's Well Road. One-way operation just encourages inappropriate speeding.
  • Posted by user251846 November 28, 2013 at 10:55

    I agree with Richard. One-way streets do encourage speeding. It would be better to - perhaps - close Granby Hill to traffic at the bottom, allowing access for Emergency vehicles only. This would still permit local traffic to circulate, but force other road users to access Clifton via Jacob's Wells Road, which is better suited.
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