Controlled entry to residential areas

It was so disappointing to watch, several years ago, all the kerbs being lowered for disabled access at junctions into residential areas.  The priority was all wrong.  All pedestrians should have priority at these junctions and the pavements should be continuous height across the road (ie raised road). This would make clear to vehicles that they are entering areas which should have 20mph limit and that they must give way to pedestrians crossing the junction.

Why the contribution is important

Raising the road at entry to residential areas will give several safety and 'quality of life' benefits:

It slows traffic entering residential areas.

It makes clear where the lower speed limit starts.

It confirms pedestrian priority at all minor junctions.

It would improve road safety in those areas.

It makes clear to non-local traffic they are leaving a main road.

It would give residential areas a more protected feel and could lead to reclaming streets.

by user764726 on November 20, 2013 at 04:56PM

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  • Posted by user563645 November 21, 2013 at 09:48

    I don't quite understand from your post if you are actually referring to lowered pavements at junctions which enable wheelchair/pram/pushchair users to cross the road? If so, how do you propose that disabled people/those with young children get on & off the pavement to cross the road? Sorry if I have misunderstood and you actually mean something else!
  • Posted by user734334 November 24, 2013 at 10:43

    This idea is already working in some other European cities. And to allow easy access to disabled people you could have, road wide, 'speed bumps'.
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