Convert the M32 to a single carriage way from St. Paul
The M32 is an abomination from an urban planning point of view.
City centres are the heart of a city, not a traffic passing point.
I would like the M32 to remain a dual carriage way up to St. Pauls (coming from the M4) with most traffic going to St. Philips (of course, this dual carriage way needs extending one way or another). The rest of the M32 being turned into a single carriage way (maybe one extra lane just for the Cabot Circus car park).
Why the contribution is important
Across Europe, traffic is being diverted from city centre, to let people enjoy the centre as people, not motorists.
It means less polution and slower traffic in the centre. This is the idea that goes with pedestrianising the city centre.
by user425923 on November 22, 2013 at 08:29PM
Posted by user490250 November 25, 2013 at 19:51
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Posted by user563181 December 11, 2013 at 00:37
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