Cost-saving calculator showing financial benefit of travelling sustainably

Create a simple application/widget which calculates a potential cost savings by car sharing, using public transportation including park and rides, cycling or walking for a given journey.

(This would make a good school project for some young students...)

Key: make it really simple.  Find the right balance between accuracy and simplicity.  Perhaps over time it could be integrated with a journey planner if one is available...

Why the contribution is important

Show users clearly and easily the direct financial benefit of car sharing, taking public transportation, using park and rides, cycling or walking. 

Could even be extended to show people how much money people could save every month by moving from owning two cars to one.


by user419622 on December 07, 2013 at 10:45PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.3
Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by user173931 December 09, 2013 at 19:48

    This is a great idea. It would also be good to add something about the other benefits of travelling sustainably - on both mental and physical health.
  • Posted by user412750 December 19, 2013 at 15:06

    Great idea. Make the hidden observable. Nothing like showing people what their behaviour is costing their purses to stimulate a change in behaviour.
  • Posted by user815952 January 03, 2014 at 20:23

    Brilliant! Combine this with the taxi-fare application and make it a school project supporting Science, Engineering, Technology and Maths (STEM) within schools.
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