Drama Groups for older people

My basic idea is to start  a Drama Groups in Bristol where older people can meet to think, share ideas, talk, learn new skills, enjoy being the people they are - and express themselves in performance.

Young active older folk, recently retired, have many avenues in which to use their skills, expertise, and skills if they wish to do so....or so we tend to think

Very old  physically infirm people are catered for in Day Centres.....or so we tend to think.

Those in the middle range of older age don't have the same issues as the two groups mentioned above.....or so we think!

I am 68, involved in lots of voluntary work with both young people and older ones. I also sing in a choir. Joining the choir has meant that I have met such a huge range of peopleI - from a huge spectrum of life in our city. Young, old, a range of cultures and ethnicities; people I'd never have met otherwise!

We are a mixed group in terms of age - but older rather than young!

I know there are facilities to sing for older people in Bristol. But is there a Drama Group? If not, let's consider forming one!  Very little cost involved, other than finding a venue in which to meet - and the cost of costumes/scenery for productions. A great opportunity here to involve volunteers in helping with this - both young and old; able and less able people!










Why the contribution is important

Because there are so many older people in our city who have very little to motivate and engage them!

by user901752 on December 02, 2013 at 02:20AM

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by user961282 December 18, 2013 at 15:45

    Hi Dottie

    This sounds wondeful and would have been perfect for my elderly relatives in the past.

    Surely it's something you could just have a go at organising? Try online promotion, more older people are online now and if they're not their relatives might tell them about it. I'm sure the libraries would put some posters up for you. You could also target other places where older people gather with a few posters. I'd also check to see it doesn't exist already.

    See what happens, but I do wish you the best of luck with it. I'll come to your first production.
  • Posted by user412750 December 19, 2013 at 21:52

    I think it would have lots of benefits: socialising and reducing loneliness, both offering positive mental health benefits; acquiring new skills and reinvigorating or using old ones; enhancing self-esteem; exploring all sorts of issues of relevance; perhaps also helping young and new playwrights and theatrical trainees get a start; and giving pleasure to audiences. Perhaps the Old Vic could help too.

    I therefore think it is a good idea and worthy of consideration for funding. There would be expenses involved - for example, in hiring rehearsal venues, printing scripts, advertising and publicity - even before thinking about the costs of putting productions on. So start-up funding would help get such an idea off the ground.
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