Edible Stations - turn the spare space that exists at most stations on the Severn Beach railway line into food growing plots, to be tended by local volunteers

Taking growing fresh food into all the communities served by the Severn Beach railway line. The Edible Bus Stop project in London provides an example of what can be done, as does Eastside Roots in Stapleton.

Most of the stations on the Severn Beach line have long platforms - longer than necessary for thhe rial service. Some also have disused buildings. If the ground can be broken up so that it can be turned into earthen beds, there are enough active food groups in Bristol to take on responsibility for them on a voluntary basis.

If these are not local people in the first instance, they could well educate locals in horticulture over time to transfer skills and "ownership" to the local populace. This could be linked with other projects, such as the Real Economy project being instigated by the Bristol Pound.

Once established, it may well be that other parts of the town without rail stations look for their own public spaces in which to establish their own local growing areas, helping to create the sort of urban food growing network that contributes to local resilience and the Green Capital ethos of a low carbon city with a high quality of life for all.

Why the contribution is important

The city is too dependent generally on food brought in to the city from afar.

There are significant parts of the city that have no greengrocers and so no access to fresh produce.

There are communities with skills and jobs shortages.

The project would provide an opportunity to make effective use of dead space in the city and serve to demonstrate to significant numbers of people passing by and through them, the pleasure and benefits that can be derived from local food growing.

It would serve to 'normalise' the growing of fresh produce in the heart of the city.

by user372208 on December 07, 2013 at 09:18PM

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  • Posted by user862057 December 12, 2013 at 11:11

    Soil surrounding train lines is often contaminated. Good idea in theory but would anyone actually eat the food grown there?
  • Posted by user721621 December 13, 2013 at 19:15

    Great Idea. Eastside Roots and the Severn Project have both demonstrated that it's possible to safely grow crops alongside our railways. Expanding this to all local stations would create a linear edible route across Bristol.
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