events in Bristol parks to raise money for the parks

Some of Bristol's parks are really well used and have loads of facilites football pitches childrens play areas tennis courts bowling greens table tennis tables etc some or really run down and hardly used. The usuall excuse will be no doubt there is no money, how about holding an event such as make sundays special on tour or a beer festival or something and all money raised/paid by businesses for stalls etc would go to pay for improvements to the park.

Alternativly why not allow part of the run down park to be turned over for business use e.g. a cafe with terrace or gallery etc and use the money raised in business rates to pay for improvements to the park.

Why the contribution is important

It is important because it would promote exercise by getting more people to use their local park and for them to take pride and care more about their local area if it was not so rundown.

by user772816 on November 25, 2013 at 11:22PM

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