Innovative Transport Solution - Social Enterprise run transport hub adjacent to new arena site at Temple Meads

Bristol Community Transport have been serving Bristol for the past thirty years with innovative community transport solutions. In 2012 we merged with HCT Group to provide even more transport solutions for our city, as we are a social enterprise we have no shareholders and any profit is reinvested back into our Bristol operations. I have tried to propose a Social Enterprise Transport Hub adjacent to the new arena. Transport is a major issue and on most agenda's I think this is a great innovative idea we have all our community buses, and public transport operating from one central location moving people around to all areas of the city, the great thing by combining what we do is the community transport element is part subsidised by the public transport profit, not going into shareholders pockets but reinvested back into Bristol. We create jobs, volunteering opportunities,training for people in Bristol. Innovation in the transport field is important as our City grows and more people & cars descend on our already congested roads we need to take action now.

Why the contribution is important

Our idea is important because transport is high on most public agenda's this is an innovative idea that can be replicated elsewhere, our unique selling point is the combination of community & public transport solutions. It is an opportunity for Bristol to support Social Enterprise and ease a large portion of our congested roads, instead of our vehicles running empty out to all areas of the community they can be taking people to work on the outbound journey and returning them home on there inbound run, likewise with the park & ride vehicles. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further as I feel it has significant merit and could help attract the funding.

by user716557 on November 22, 2013 at 09:49AM

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Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by user734334 November 22, 2013 at 18:53

    Not really understanding this. Could you provide more into to further explain?
  • Posted by user197097 November 22, 2013 at 22:25

    Could also offer a range of cycling and other transport services e.g. bike hire and information/advice. It has previously been suggested in that form but a combined facility could make sense. The cycling map that was at Temple Meads seems to have been removed!
  • Posted by user338616 November 29, 2013 at 17:59

    Surely this idea promotes a commercial business, unless its all voluntarily managed?
    I really don't see the benefit anyway.Centralisation would mean I would have to travel to the hub before I could get transport?
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