Nudge Group - The Bristol School of Temporary Use

This is a model for interim development of unused property on one hand
and opening up opportunities for young people through creative enterprise on
the other. The School would turn vacant buildings or land into an exciting
test bed for start-ups, creative, green and social enterprises.
The School would start with permission from a single landlord to parcel
up space on one site – such as the Parcel Force building – offering
practical creative apprenticeships to young people. The School would offer short
term tenancies and targeted support to cohorts of students, working with
existing universities and colleges, to create temporary opportunities for design,
architecture and creative projects. As well as access to a ‘strip of land’
or part of a building or site, they would receive training, support,
advice, access, links, expertise, legal and financial support to helptheir project 
This ‘pop-up’ technical college faculty would then evolve to become a
fully-fledged property management ‘Temp Agency’, also offering project and
business support. It would ultimately become a practical, entrepreneurial,
cross disciplinary apprentice-led architecture and design school, managing
and developing an ever shifting portfolio of property for other public sector and private landlords.
We have evidence of massive demand for space on the right terms as well as
a clear supply of empty space.  With initial start-up investment from
educational funders and economic growth funds, for example, the School
could be self-financing over time as it could share in cost savings generated
for landlords and an uplift in asset values, revenue from rent and/or income
sharing with tenants, student fees and sponsorship.

Why the contribution is important

The School would create jobs, environmental improvements, civic pride and
community benefit and provide opportunities for the creative energy of entrepreneurs, communities and students in Bristol. With youth unemployment
at record levels, we need to create more jobs ourselves in the creative and
social economy, not just apply for them at big public and private sector organisations.
Bristol is developing a reputation as a ‘meanwhile’ pioneer, building on the
work of the Council’s Capacity project, Creative Common, The Severn Project,
Bristol Urban Beach, Eat Drink Bristol Fashion, Artspace Lifespace,
Bridewell Space, Popup Bristol and others. The Bristol School would build on
this experience and cement Bristol’s position as a world leader in this area.

by user445535 on December 09, 2013 at 02:19PM

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