Promote carpooling into the city

Carpooling is a quick and easy way to reduce congestion in the city.  However, for whatever reason, it hasn't been embraced in Bristol - according to recent data, the majority of car trips into the city are done by single occupancy vehicles.  Here are a couple of ideas which could be incorporated into an overall program to increase car pooling into the city:

1. Rather than "park and rides" create "park and carpools" north and south of the city where park and ride options don't exist.  Commuters from South Glos and N Somerset can meet there to commute together into the city.  They can use the existing websites to meet up and coordinate sharing, or perhaps local businesses can help coordinate their staff travel where possible.  

2. Convert one lane of the M32 into a lane for buses and high occupancy vehicles during rush hour along its full length.

3. During 7 - 9AM, offer reduced price parking for carpools in the council parking lots.  Or perhaps businesses could prioritise parking for carpools.  For example, once residents parking is in place, perhaps some of the spare capacity on the streets in the neighbourhood could be resold as commuter parking permits, available for carpools.

When I worked in the US, most of my co-workers carpooled to work.  It really works when the incentives are in place.  And it's quicker (and sometimes cheaper) than taking the bus.


Why the contribution is important

Carpooling is one of the quickest and easiest ways of reducing congestion in the city.  It's also good for the commuters because it is easier than commuting by public transportation and often cheaper.  

by user419622 on November 26, 2013 at 07:29PM

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  • Posted by user536903 November 27, 2013 at 10:05

    True.. I have a Staff bus . which hardly any one uses and people still prefer car, because it is quicker..

    Congestion needs to be sorted out and price reduction on the public transport will encourage more people to take the bus rather than cars..

    car pooling is great as well.. it could be organized with in the workplace..

    Employers should offer some perks for people who carpool and use bi cycles..
  • Posted by user734334 November 27, 2013 at 10:45

    I thin carpooling is great and in my workplace we try to do as often as we can. However, it can turn into a bit of logistical conundrum, especially when we travel between workplaces several times in one day.
    I still think that having actual 'public transport' (I don't believe we have this at the moment as all transport is owned by private companies)is the solution to the traffic congestion in the city. How to fund this is the big problem of course.
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