Provide decent cycle parking in new developments

The Council has had policies and guidance to support for many years this but time and again provision falls well short of what is needed from the point of view of security and convenience of use. Often the wrong sort of bike rack is used, or is poorly positioned, sometimes with no or inadequate shelter or secuity. This applies to residential (esp flats); employment and retail.

It is really just a question of officers being aware of what is needed, examining submitted plans closely and asking the developer to improve their proposal if inadequate/sub-standard. Relying on conditioning cycle parking reduces the chances of a good result. A more thorough approach wouldn't cost the council anything extra. It isn't only Bristol that has this issue, it seems to be a problem in other areas too.

Why the contribution is important

If adequate cycle paking is not provided in new development, this will limit growth in cycling for day to day travel, as part of our transport solution, however much is done to improve on road safety and experience. It is a particular issue for flats-if you can't store a bike securely, you are unlikely to use a bike. It is easier to get it right at the new build stage than to retrofit.

by user197097 on December 04, 2013 at 05:28PM

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  • Posted by user515911 December 05, 2013 at 10:21

    A very good point finecarrots. And I'd like to see cycle racks positioned on the road, not the pavement. Pavement positioning seems to signal to many cyclists that they can cycle on the pavement. The racks in the recent Whiteladies Rd redevelopment could (as far as I can see) have been positioned on a jut-out from the road, with the kerb detouring round it, to maintain the message of the difference between pavement and road.
  • Posted by user690930 December 14, 2013 at 16:33

    I support anything that aids cyclists but alternatively would like to see bikes taken away from those cyclists who use OUR PAVEMENTS ans run Red Lights
  • Posted by user105138 January 03, 2014 at 12:20

    I agree, a new development nearby, has racks which are being used to park a car on blocking access to the racks. And then when you leave the area by a route not open to cars normally, (removal bollards), it ends with a raised rather than dropped kerb encouraging cyclists to stay on the pavement until they reach a dropped kerb.

    It needs joined up thinking, rather than just ticking a box to say they provided cycle parking. It should be easier to get the bike out than the car.
  • Posted by user672241 January 23, 2014 at 11:33

    This is a great idea and really needed. People can't cycle if they don't have somewhere accessible and secure to store their bike. Ensuring all new builds have decent cycle parking, also sends out a positive message about cycling and encourages more people to do it.

    Great reasources on cycle parking are available from Life Cycle's website:
  • Posted by user197097 January 23, 2014 at 11:53

    The guidance referred to Poppy above has already been sent to senior transport and planning officers at the Council and we hope that they will look at it seriously.
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