Reduce Inequality and Increase Trust in Bristol

There is a simple way to reduce inequality and increase trust, which the majority of the population want-

The council should pay its staff, and require the same in its contractual arrangements, on a ratio of 1:10 or less, so that if the lowest pay is £15k, the highest is no more than £150k.

Why the contribution is important

More equal societies are more trusting, with better education and health outcomes, and less crime.

Unless we do this, all the other good ideas will not work.

 This would be an achievable, and small start towards greater equality. Come on George, you can do this.

Cities Outlook 2013 puts Bristol as 24th most disparate city out of the 63 cities sampled.

by user413689 on November 25, 2013 at 10:30AM

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  • Posted by user375873 November 27, 2013 at 07:58

    Thank you, Sarah, for this sensible and proven idea. I wonder if the £150K level is itself too high and would suggest a 1:5 rate. There are some places like Camphill, where historically co workers who care for the learning disabled take no wages at all, just put in expenses, generous, for their needs, including Steiner school education if they have children, and none if they are childless. This works out in Botton Village at about £20,000 cost to the taxpayer and the charity per year. Until recently, when the new CEO introduced expensive managers, who no longer share their lives with the LD people, this has been very successful.

    What this requires, of course, is total honesty and transparency, and a recognition that resources are not infinite and must be shared if the community, or the city government is to survive.

    This would of course eliminate Green Cllr. Gus Hoyt's proposal to pay a new "consultant" over £100K to give ideas that could probably be obtained/donated for the public good by equally smart people. Some of us in his constituency question why Gus has been so reluctant to even meet with our homeless resident friends from Bristol Foundation Housing, to hear their plight since having their Exempt housing benefit cut by two-thirds.

    Surely, as our wonderful former councillor, Dr. Jon Rogers, explained to me at a neighbourhood forum meeting, it would be possible to raise money from homeowners--if only we could trust that it would be going on genuine causes of real need, rather than people who appear to be friends of the elected politicians.

    Sarah is so right to use this title of reducing inequality and increasing trust. It is the job of politicians, like teachers, to set inspiring examples, and to put their hands in their pockets to contribute to the Mayor's special fund. I would suggest that George, whom I admire for his audacity, take the first step and contribute the proceeds from his bar profits at the Canteen to a new Mayor's Bristol Homeless Fund, to be administered by a cross-party independent group of citizens. They can in turn appeal to homeowners like myself to contribute far more than 50p a week, the sum proposed of 2% tax rise. The value of these homes, as Dr. Jon explained goes up every day. He is willing to contribute, Gus. Are you and George? I am willing to meet and share my considerable fundraising and press skills, if we can see good faith shown by all of you asking those of us to cut back on vital services. Peace, love and trusting in the universe to help you to stop playing party politics and move creatively and decisively this Christmas, for our most vulnerable residents. Anita Bennett, mother of Isabel, with Downs Syndrome, beneficiary of excellent care from social services Care and After Team, amongst other services now no doubt under threat. While "green" politicians spend our tax money on "consultant", friends, no doubt. Please forgive my apparent cynicism. I was just so upset when both Gus and George refused to even meet my homeless friends living in Bristol Foundation Housing hostels recently. Or are there more votes in RPZ, not even democratically discussed in our ward, and in other lovely schemes, I agree, than there are in the war veterans with mental health problems, young offenders, put in jail due to idiotic drug laws that benefit the black economy and not themselves. More equal societies, more democracy, more compassion, more honesty, starting right at the top. I am a feminist socialist, looking for a political party like Labour used to be, and wondering if this city is really going to be able to justify our vote to have a mayor. Creative fundraising ideas for the council, a new transparency not cronyism, the putting of our most needy residents first, with controls so they come off the welfare state workshy mentality. I might add that it is many immigrants, asylum seekers who demonstrate the qualities that this city and council need of hard work. Maybe what we need, Sarah, since I don't know you, is a new Trust and Equality Party.

    With high hopes that this is heard during these consultations this week!
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