Safer city cycling initiatives

Delivery vehicles to be limited at peak commuter times. I have cycled around France,coast to coast UK,around Japan and from Holland to Berlin and to have City Hall entrance adorned with 'cycling city' is fooling no-one. This initiative is active in Paris . 2. All cars that have sliding doors get priority parking. The occupants sure would be safer for cyclists when they access and egress their wheeled chairs. So much space taken by car doors.So scary cycling with vehicles passing on the right/ blocking the right, and a wall of parked metal on the left

Why the contribution is important

Hit your cycling uptake AND Re-uptake targets for Bristol. Physic Health of the city residents improves and saves money. Mental health improves when diogues like this can actually take place face-to-face in our streets that are stuffed with space given over to largely empty motorized boxes.

by user964643 on November 19, 2013 at 03:01PM

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  • Posted by user661274 November 20, 2013 at 09:39

    A recent report in a local paper stated that Bristol has the highest percentage of people commuting by bike of any of the larger cities in this country.
    The law of diminishing returns will come into effect with any further cycling initiatives. Furthermore, companies are already moving away from the centre of Bristol due to the current restrictions - adding more will only make this worse.
  • Posted by user536903 November 25, 2013 at 17:03

    True, There should be restrictions for the delivery vehicles to come into city during peak hours (say morning 7 to 9)

    this will give enough space for cyclists and other commuters.. the traffic wont be blocked as well..
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