Self-build community housing

In short - allocate areas of rundown land or empty buildings for new community housing sites. Empower people to be directly involved in the building process of new affordable & council housing

Run by BCC in partnership with building professionals and engaging eventual residents in planning, build and finishing processes. Their labour would keep costs down and hopefully the first-hand involvement would increase pride in final results and offer new skills which may improve the chances of people without jobs finding work.

Applicants could be selected using various criteria and asked to commit to the project in terms of a deposit and/or minimum promised work hours.

Why the contribution is important

Bristol has a large shortage of both Council housing and affordable homes. The project would address that whilst offering additional benefits in terms of community pride, employability & skills, and regenerating areas with many empty buildings and wasted spaces.

by user131841 on November 19, 2013 at 02:46PM

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Average rating: 4.3
Based on: 11 votes


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