Set up a spatial democratization trail//day

They should be "urban gaps" to allow things to emerge spontaneously. The idea would be to organize community-based // local urban projects // reclaiming abandonned wasteland or small urban pockets // to organize a spatial democratization trail. 

The city of Bristol would advertise unoccupied free urban pockets to be invested during a week-end, the trail week-end, in the same way than an art trail. Groups would form around each urban pockets and would "occupy" it on a short time basis (few days) and on a volunteer basis. 


Why the contribution is important

This type of event does not need to create a buzz or receive huge amout of funding. It can start slowly, locally, grass-roots, and grow gradually if people enjoy it. I guess the best would be to launch first a protoype of such a urban pocket. 

By igniting such initiatives, the city would look more socially alive. To make it happen, we need to be open-minded and permissive. Concerning funding, people could sell tea and cakes on the day, and have urban temporary terraces. It could also be great small local plateforms to create social through collective gardening for example, or s stage for local artists, through organizing theatre/circus performances... 

by user406438 on December 12, 2013 at 12:00PM

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