Sound Bafflers along Bristol section M32

When the M32 was ploughed though Frenchay Stapleton and Eastville in the sixties there was very little traffic so the noise and pollution was minimal although the road was an eyesore which divided  beautiful areas and thriving communities.

Now .however the noise and air pollution from constant 24 hour traffic is appalling. It can be heard from a mile radius away making life very unpleasant for local residentsbringing stress and ill health in its wake.

In Europe ,residential areas adjacent to motorways and dual carriage ways are shielded from the worst effects of traffic by attractively designed sound bafflers.

Let us do this for the long suffering residents of the areas near the M32


Why the contribution is important

It will improve the quality of life for the thousands of residents living in the affected area

It will increase  wellbeing and improve health

It will help to regenerate these areas

It will  make walking in Stoke Park Estate and on Purdown a much more pleasurable experience.

People will be able to hold a conversation in the street without shouting above the roar of the traffic !!

by user416121 on November 23, 2013 at 04:54PM

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Based on: 18 votes


  • Posted by user734334 November 25, 2013 at 18:52

    Totally agree that this is necessary and will also increase property value in these areas and, as you say, regenerate the area. If we use 'green' baffles by way of some very serious planting we ll also increase the air quality and bio diversity.
  • Posted by user338616 November 27, 2013 at 16:47

    Don't understand how this is going to be funded?I thought the point was to think of ideas to save money?
    Great idea though as I also live right alongside a motorway, the M48
  • Posted by user463519 November 27, 2013 at 16:57

    m32 is a motorway so I suspect the responsibility of dept of Transport,or whatever its name is now, not the council.

    Good idea though :-)
  • Posted by user536903 November 28, 2013 at 12:45

    Planting more trees is natural way of reducing noise pollution.. Tree Bristol could pitch in and find funds for this project..

    and ofcourse corporates can sponsor as well..
  • Posted by user416121 November 29, 2013 at 15:42

    Yes ==trees on the flat areas but proper bafflers on the flyover at Eastville please.

  • Posted by user563181 December 11, 2013 at 00:18

    Someone needs to lobby the Dept of Transport about this. They are well funded!
  • Posted by user946047 December 20, 2013 at 19:31

    It'll be great to have tree's/ bafflers all along the M32 to captures the pollution as well. People living alongside the M32 with parallel roads face some of the most polluted sections of the city with up to 250 vehicles a minute passing their homes during rush hour and 130 cars a minute during quieter spells. Funding could come from the NHS to help with this and downgrading the M32 to a dual carriageway will help and making roads alongside for local people instead of rat runs which are as popular as the M32 itself i.e. Park Road and Frenchay Park Road closed for business and only open to sustainable transport and local people and services.
  • Posted by user891823 January 08, 2014 at 12:55

    Great idea. Mine which i submitted was simply to reduce speed limit which would be cheaper as an instant measure .
  • Posted by user661187 January 15, 2014 at 00:53

    This is an excellent idea which would make a real difference to the health and quality of life of the many thousands of people who live in proximity to the M32.

    It is worth noting that according to the DEFRA Noise Road Action Plan (issued in draft in 2013) and the noise monitoring previously undertaken around the M32, large areas of surrounding neighbourhoods will be classified as Important Areas. The Action Plan places an obligation on the highways authority to identify actions which will mitigate noise pollution (or advise why it is technically not possible).

    The highways agency have a ring fenced budget (£5M) to pay for noise mitigation measures on trunk roads. Can the mayoral office lobby the HA to consider / prioritise the M32? It must surely be good value in that treatment of a relatively small length of motorway (say 1.5 miles) would improve the lives of a lot of people due to the high density holding surrounding the motorway.
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