Transform Parcel Force Building into UK's largest public art installation

The derelict Parcel Force Building should be turned into one of the UK’s largest public art instillations. Dominating the Bristol urban landscape next to one of the UK’s main rail terminals and an economic enterprise zone, the empty parcel force building undermines Bristol’s assertion that it is open for business. Bristol cannot boast that it is ‘one of the world’s most creative cities’ when the site of the immense skeletal remains of a failed business greet millions of tourists, students and business commuters arriving at Temple Meads. Bristol and the Temple Meads area need bold, visionary action. The windows of the Parcel Force building could be covered to create a huge all-building canvas. The council then would invite the city’s art community to create a visual spectacle for Bristol’s landscape, showcasing the city’s artistic heritage and highlighting civic pride in Bristol’s creative industries. This idea is a financially viable, inclusive and transformative way of turning an ugly blotch on Bristol’s urban landscape into an architectural asset, attracting tourism and business to a neglecting area as well creating a landmark that asserts Bristol’s reputation as a creative centre. 

Why the contribution is important

Given the prominance of the derelict building, next to Bristol's main rail terminal, turning the waste site into an artistic and creative hub for the local community whilst simultaneously producing a visually impressive landmark for visitors and wealth creators would be a clear statement to the country and the world that Bristol is proud of its art, proud of its creative heritage and proud of its status as a world leader in the creative industries. 

by user643556 on December 03, 2013 at 10:16PM

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