Urban Regeneration and Jobs

St George in the East of Bristol, has long been in need of a revamp.With it's tatty vacant shops, dirty windows and takeaway street furniture blighting the Victorian  high street, it looks pretty dire. The high street is just 2 miles from the city centre and a main artery leading to the centre. To give this street a new lease of life, the council should start a regeneration program using a surveyor to inspect the safety of buildings with trees growing out of masonry. Force instructions on owners to resolve the risk, then use local contractors, to tidy the street up with a lick of paint, clean the windows of every building and remove hanging signs which look ugly. Then offer 12 months free rates on independent businesses that open a new shops and create new jobs. Massive re-gentrification happened in Southville in the past decade, and it could happen here, with the commutable short distance to town. Nice community but in need of some TLC and investment. The same should be done to St Paul's and Stokes Croft. With the latter having derelict buildings compulsorily purchased by the council to allow more affordable social housing schemes, andstudent accommodation and facilities for the local community like affordable child care so young mothers and low income families can return to work and not get caught in the poverty trap.

Why the contribution is important

Over 6000 people live in St George and it has the least amount of facilities in a urban area. We only have one park with decent play facilities a poorly stocked library and that's pretty much it.  

by user788642 on November 25, 2013 at 08:27PM

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  • Posted by user718520 November 26, 2013 at 11:13

    There's some good ideas in here but also some ideas which would cost a lot of money which the council doesn't have.

    We must save £90 million (a quarter of our budget) over the next three years.

    Compulsory purchase is also a long winded and extremely expensive process - remember the years it took the council to complete the compulsory purchase of Arnos Vale Cemetery. Also, the compulsory purchase of Westmoreland House is still ongoing after many years.

    What aspects of your ideas do you think could be delivered for little money, or in partnership with another body, over the short term?
  • Posted by user734334 November 27, 2013 at 11:17

    Perhaps change in policy/ law is needed to force people to keep their property in good nick, used and safe? This is already the case for cars, all sorts of equipment and roads. Why not for buildings too? Or perhaps slap a large tax/fine on those buildings that are unused and/or uncared for?
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