Wallace and Gromit Theme Park

My idea is for a theme park featuring Aardman animation characters in particular Wallace and Gromit.

Why the contribution is important

It is important as the atmosphere over the summer during the Grommit hunt was fantastic and it would be good to get that feeling again.  A theme park would bring even more tourists and a permanent trail could be made in Bristol to attract visitors to the centre and other areas.

 Due to the success of the Grommit hunt it is obvious they are very popular and a tourist attraction.

A theme park featuring Aardman animation characters would be good for tourism and the city. It would also help local employment and businesses.

by user462933 on November 22, 2013 at 04:02PM

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Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by user734334 November 22, 2013 at 16:55

    It makes sense as aardman is bristol. However, where is this going to go, what are the attractions, who is it aimed at etc. with a bit more fleshing it out this could be a fab idea.
  • Posted by user490250 November 25, 2013 at 19:54

    This is a much more viable attraction than the second zoo that has now been introduced near Cribbs Causeway, why on earth do we need more animals in captivity? I say move the animals from the small facilities in the city centre to the new site and turn it into a new attraction. This could be a good option for that.
  • Posted by user673142 November 28, 2013 at 11:36

    Think a museam or similar might be good as opposed to a theme park. A animation/art place similar to @Bristol would be ideal. A place for budding artists and old hands to meet. A number of things Bristol are exported world wide - Banksy/Aardman such as Shaun the Sheep/W&G/Morph etc.
  • Posted by user428889 November 28, 2013 at 11:45

    There's a great Aardman Animations section already in at-Bristol


    People can make their own animations using some of Aardman's famous characters. There's also lots of actual models and sets on display.
  • Posted by user920528 December 13, 2013 at 16:36

    There is already a Wallace and Gromit rollercoaster ride in (is it?) Blackpool. Brill idea to have a theme park in Bristol, think of all those amazing sets (the ones that didn't get burnt), could be something like the Leggo place, would keep the visitors flowing.
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