Why so many traffic lights?

Turn off needless traffic lights ie Brunel Way they cause chaos. The Triangle there is no need and Hartcliffe Roundabout, because its a roundabout everyone knows to give way to the right to name just a few.



Why the contribution is important

Cause traffic congestion, road rage and the most important they waste money.

by user866214 on November 20, 2013 at 03:02PM

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  • Posted by user641372 November 21, 2013 at 14:31

    Traffic lights are often a complete waste of time, with queues forming at each light with no traffic moving. My local bit of stupidity are the lights at the top of Stoke Hill. Previously there was a main road and two secondary roads which filtered in when there was no traffic on the main roads. There were never any queues !! By all means use a traffic light for use by pedestrians wishing to cross the road.
    Also the lights at the main roundabout leading to the M5 at Avonmouth. There's always waiting traffic. These lights were out of order for about a week last year and guess what...no queues.
    So I suggest a complete review of many of the Cities traffic lights
  • Posted by user734334 November 24, 2013 at 10:49

    Great idea!
  • Posted by user681880 November 26, 2013 at 15:49

    How would people on foot, mobility scooters etc get across Hartcliffe roundabout if there were no signalled crossings? Its not all about the car you know, there are lots of people living in the area that don't have a car and walk to the playpark/skatepark/cinema/shop/leisure centre via this roundabout
  • Posted by user536903 November 28, 2013 at 12:52

    Even in smaller junctions/one way lanes, i could see at-least three signal posts where two is sufficient.

    Council need to revisit the areas and turn off the signals which is not necessary and potentially remove it and re-use it in another area.

  • Posted by user536194 December 04, 2013 at 21:38

    When I was young, 30 years ago, they did a trial and turned off most traffic lights around the centre and traffic jams disappeared. I agree we need to consider foot crossings, but all the rest can go.
  • Posted by user412750 January 05, 2014 at 23:57

    Since the traffic lights near the top of Blackboy Hill, by the Esso petrol station were put in in the Whiteladies Road redesign, the queues at the junction of Redland Hill and the A4018 and other roads have been dreadful. It was always a bad set of junctions, but it has been worsened by this brainwave, with huge queues on Redland Hill, the A4018 and the other intersecting roads, even outside peak hours. These lights might have given pedestrians safe crossing, but it's hard to imagine that emissions have not worsened with so many long queues of stationary cars, mostly with their engines running.
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